Hotel In Ayodhya

Rules & Regualation

1.  Your room rate mentioned on the registration card signed by you on arrival is for the room only. However, taxes shall be applicable as per the government norms. Check-In time is 1PM & Check-Out time is 11AM.


2. Settlement of bills: Bills must be settled on presentation, a procedure previously agreed upon. Personal cheques are not accepted, during checkout.


3. The Hotel may offer guests who ask to extend their stay, a different room to the one in which they were originally accommodated. In case of event that the Hotel has already reserved this room beforehand, and the guest fails to heed requests to vacate the room, or if he or she is not present in the Hotel, the Hotel reserves the right to catalogue the guest’s possessions and to store them in a safe place so that the room can be used by the guest for whom it has been reserved.


4. Company’s lien on guest luggage and belongings – In case of default in payment of dues by a guest, the Management  shall have the lien on their luggage and belongings and be entitled to detain the same, and to sell or auction such  property at any time without reference to the guest. The net sale proceeds will be appropriated towards the amount due by the guest without prejudice to the Management’s right to adopt such further recovery proceedings as may be required.


5. Luggage storage: Luggage stored in the left luggage room is solely at the owner’s risk as to loss or damage from any  cause. Luggage may not be stored for a period of over 7 days. Guest shall hold the Hotel harmless for the loss of or giving away/selling any possessions of the guest left behind at the Hotel upon failure to retrieve the same within 7 days of the departure from the Hotel.


6. Guest belongings: The guests are particularly requested to lock the door of their room. The Hotel will not, in any way  whatsoever be responsible for the loss of the resident’s goods or any other property not entrusted to the management or for the damage thereof, whether due to neglect of hotel employees or agents or any other cause whatsoever  including theft or pilferage.


7. Visitors to rooms are allowed from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. only for security reasons, if a guest is asked to stay over, he/she has to be registered in the reception with all personal details, and shall be charged. Hotel Krinoscco reserves the right to prevent any visitor.


8.  Room key card: It is important to keep the room key card safely. When you leave the room, please leave the key card at the reception desk. You are advised not to carry the key card out of the Hotel. If the key card is lost or misplaced, the guest will be liable to pay for the loss before departure as per Hotel policy.


9.For security reasons, it is not appropriate to leave children of any age without adult supervision in the room, or other areas of the Hotel premises.


10.Hazardous goods: Guests shall ensure that no articles of a combustible or hazardous nature are brought or kept in the  Hotel, and shall compensate the Hotel for any damage or loss caused to any person or property in the Hotel by the guest.


11. Damage to Hotel property: Guest swill be held responsible for any loss or damage to the Hotel property caused by them, friends or by any person for whom they are responsible.


12. Management’s rights: The management reserves for itself the absolute right of admission to any person into the Hotel premises, and to request any guest to vacate his or her room at any moment without prior notice, and without  assigning any reason whatsoever. The guest shall be bound to vacate when requested to do so. In case of default, the management will be entitled to remove the luggage and belongings from the room occupied by the guest and lock the room.


13.Relation between Hotel and Guests: Nothing herein above shall constitute or deemed to constitute, any tenancy,  sub-tenancy/any right to tenancy or any right or interest, in the Hotel premises or any part or portion thereof of any guest, resident or visitor. The Hotel shall always be deemed to be in full absolute possession and control of the Hotel premises.


14. Government rules and regulations: Guests are requested to observe the government rules and regulations in force from time to time in respect of registration, alcoholic beverages, firearms etc.


15. Guest shall read and adhere to instructions of the Hotel with regards to the use of any facility and to use such  facilities only in the manner stipulated and none other.


16. Guest shall not avail of any facilities of the Hotel or engage in any activities organized by th e Hotel (such as tourist excursions) that require physical exertion, where the guest has been advised against the same by a doctor. The Hotel shall be held free of any liability in the event that the guest undertakes such exertion contrary to medical advice received.


17. Food and Beverage: Guests are requested to use only Hotel facilities for any food and beverage requirements in public areas. Supply from external source will not be permitted.


19. Safety and security: For the safety and security of the guest, various people, products and systems are in place. In case of emergency kindly follow the instructions. If required, a guestroom may also be opened for a safety check.


20. Pets are not allowed in the Hotel.


21. Fire arms: Guests are advised not to carry firearms or weapons of any sort inside the Hotel premises. If you are carrying one, please deposit the same with the security officer of the Hotel during your stay at the Hotel.


22. Amendment of rules: The management reserves the right to add, alter or amend any of the above terms without prior intimation or notice. Guests are obliged to observe the provisions of these House Rules. In case of any event that a guest  is in breach of these rules, the Hotel has the right to repudiate the agreement on the provision of accommodation services before the agreed period has elapsed.