Hotel In Ayodhya

Cancellation Policy

If the booking is cancelled in before 15 days in this case we will processed full refund same day

Same Days Cancelled the booking is non-refundable , cancellation before 4 days at 50% refundable, cancellations prior to that @100% refundable (only in case of a maximum booking of 5 rooms , any no. of rooms above that is strictly on a non-refundable basis)

Refund will be process within 7 working days

Same Days Cancelled the booking is non-refundable , cancellation before 4 days at 50% refundable, cancellations prior to that @100% refundable (only in case of a maximum booking of 5 rooms , any no. of rooms above that is strictly on a non-refundable basis)

Steps and method of cancellation. – through PG

Same Days Cancelled the booking is non-refundable , cancellation before 4 days at 50% refundable, cancellations prior to that @100% refundable (only in case of a maximum booking of 5 rooms , any no. of rooms above that is strictly on a non-refundable basis)